Why Are Presbyopia Correcting IOLs the Best Choice for Cataract Surgery?
Cataracts are a common eye condition that occurs when the lens inside your eye develops cloudy patches. The majority of cataracts develop when injury or the natural aging process changes the lens of the eye. They are progressive and can affect both eyes, although their rate of development can vary.
While cataracts are not life-threatening and tend to develop relatively slowly, they will compromise your vision, making it gradually harder for you to see clearly. Most people with cataracts compare their vision to the effect of looking through frosted glass.
Unfortunately, surgery is the only treatment option for cataracts. Fortunately, cataract surgery is straightforward and very safe. Many patients choose to have it before their vision deteriorates to a point where it has a reasonable impact on their day to day lives.
What is Involved in Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure using a local anesthetic. This means that you don’t experience any discomfort. During the procedure, the clouded lens of your eye is removed and replaced with an artificial alternative, known as an intraocular lens (IOL).
You can expect cataract surgery to last less than an hour, although you will also need to allow time for preparation and for your eyes to be checked following surgery. Although you may notice an improvement in your vision immediately, it normally takes between 4 and 6 weeks to fully recover and achieve the greatest degree of visual clarity.

Choosing the Right Intraocular Lens for Cataract Surgery
As we know, when you undergo surgery for cataracts, the clouded lenses will be replaced with intraocular lenses or IOLS for short. There are a variety of IOL options available, and some are more high-quality than others. Our cataract surgeon will help determine the right IOL for your unique eye health. Presbyopia-correcting IOLs are a particularly good choice for patients who have cataract surgery relatively early on in life.
The reason for this is that as we get older, we are more likely to suffer from a condition called presbyopia. Presbyopia refers to the natural and progressive loss of your eye’s ability to focus on nearby objects. It usually starts to develop during our 40s and will continue to worsen for several decades before our vision stabilizes. One type of presbyopia-correcting lens that is particularly popular for use in cataract surgery is PanOptix®.
What are PanOptix® Lenses?
PanOptix® lenses are trifocal lenses. They are an extremely effective alternative to the natural lens of your eye. A "trifocal lens" means that these lenses can effectively focus light at near, intermediate, and far distances, giving you the benefit of clear vision in a variety of situations.
Patients who choose trifocal IOLs find that they are much less reliant on wearing glasses which improves the flexibility and quality of their day-to-day life. In comparison, patients who choose monofocal IOLs often discover that they still need to wear glasses for reading or distance vision. This is because monofocal IOLs only focus light at one distance.
PanOptix® lenses provide cataract patients with the freedom to be able to enjoy clear vision, wherever they are and whatever activity they are doing. To find out more, or to schedule an appointment to discuss cataract surgery, schedule a consultation with our Sunnyside, NY eye doctor at 718-565-2020.